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About – The Official Joe Bonamassa Fan Website


Welcome to the Official Joe Bonamassa Fan Website. This site is for Joe’s fans. A site where they will be able to go and find out news about Joe. We will also post cool stories about you, the fans.

A Note From Your Admin

The site is currently in the middle of being revamped, please work with us. It will be worth it in the end :).  We recently just upgraded WordPress to version 3.0. Along with that we have a new Facebook Fan Page. I’m always looking for feedback, comments, questions, etc. You can email me here.

As Seen On:






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14 thoughts on “About

  1. Joe
    Sharon,wife, & I saw you at the Grove 2-17-11 it was aGREAT SHOW!
    We saw you first on THE BLUES CRUISE and would like to see you back on the ship.
    Where do you live now ( town)?


  2. Joe, when you come back from your world tour, and tour in the states. Will you be with the BCC members or the other band members.

    Thanks Bob

  3. Joe will be touring with BCC in June / July and the Fall tour of the US will be with his normal band.

  4. First time I saw Joe was on a Public broadcast station a couple of months ago – got tix for Westbury NY concert a couple of weeks later – have since been “addicted” – can’t stop listening to everything he’s done – just got tix for the Beacon Theater in November – can’t wait! I can’t believe I never knew of him before this – have turned others onto him – words cannot describe how great he is……..guitar playing, voice, emotion…everything alone or put together is so powerful……..all I can say is Thank You Joe!

  5. Came across JB by pure chance on youtube. The clip where he is doing a record signing and sat on counter and played Woke up dreaming. Blew me away and started checking him out. Have seen him 5 times now, last in Cardiff 18/10/11. Everytime is a Masterclass. He is playing in Birmingham 31/3/12 on my birthday. What a pressie that will be. Seriously thinking about going to doctors for medication as it is becoming a bit of an addiction now. Have nearly worn out my DVD of RAH concert.
    Am in my mid 60s but really looking forward to many years of listening and seeing the only artist I have become a groupie of. Pity I am too old to be his roadie.

  6. Sat front and center for the Joe Show at the gorgeous FOX Theater in Detroit a couple nights ago (4/18/15). Nothing short of an epic guitar performance that had everything – power and grace, hard slamming and intricate finesse. Started at 8:00 sharp (who does that?) and JB literally poured out his heart and soul for 150 minutes strait – no breaks, not even a drink of water – and it’s safe to say the Motor City loves Joe Bonamassa!

    However, next time you’re in town, Joe, it’s the Old English D. Anything else is effing suicidal! Let me know if you don’t have a hat like that and I’ll send you one!!

    Congratulations and all the best.

  7. Gonna go see Joe on Aug 29, last show of the three kings tour. Ive been talking about it so much that my friends decided to go. Theyre gonna be instant fans.

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