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Bonamassa Guitars Open For Business – The Official Joe Bonamassa Fan Website

Bonamassa Guitars Open For Business


In upstate New York, Bonamassa Guitars is now open for business. The shop is operated by Joe’s Dad, Len Bonamassa. Len had a guitar shop while Joe was growing up and he is just getting back in the shop business. Len has never stopped collecting guitars. Great to see him back in the business…


You’ll find a large range of guitars, from Fender to Gibson and everything in between. Not looking to buy guitars? That’s not a problem, the store is stocked with any equipment you may need. They have a large selection of amps, including vintage amps. Len also has a good amount of pedals in stock. Oh you need strings too? They got the strings too…

Everyone is welcome at Bonamassa Guitars.. stop by and pay them a visit! Bonamassa Guitars is located at 4520 Commercial Drive in New Hartford, NY. Also follow Bonamassa Guitars on Facebook, where you can keep up to date with the latest news. The website is soon to follow. Best of luck to Len and everyone else at Bonamassa Guitars.

3 thoughts on “Bonamassa Guitars Open For Business

  1. I heard Peter Gebhardt is working at BG. That’s great!
    Congtratulations on the store. Joe rocks!

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