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Driving Towards The Daylight Official Video – The Official Joe Bonamassa Fan Website

Driving Towards The Daylight Official Video

Up for viewing is the official music video for Joe’s new title track “Driving Towards The Daylight”. The video captures Joe Bonamassa in the studio with the band recording the song. Joe’s new album, also named “Driving Towards The Daylight” is due for global release on May 22. Advance preorders can be made here and all preorders will ship before the actual release date of the album. Let us know what you think of the official music video!

10 thoughts on “Driving Towards The Daylight Official Video

  1. All I can say to this song is, “WOWOWOW!” Love, love, love it! Beautiful! I cannot wait to hear the whole CD…I just eat ’em up! Bad Kitty

  2. Pre ordered and waiting impatiently for full CD. First songs are awesome, no doubts other will be the same

  3. Amazing, both songs are stunning, looking forward to the pre-order, and once again another tour of Australia in October, every brand new release never ceases to amaze me, another gem in May, brilliant!!!!

  4. Wonderful!!! Hearing the song and watching the band play through the song pulled it all together. I especially love the opening and closing clips of Joe driving about. This ballad is a hit!

  5. Love this song. it touches my heart. can’t wait for the CD. Thanks Joe and Band

  6. Joe just keeps getting better ,if that’s possable. This is a whole different Joe showing just like before. Hold on Bonanuts,this ride has just started. Long Live Joe B.

  7. What can be said that has not already been. Joe, you are an amazing talent, a voice that even at 5.00am full headphone volume is pleasing to say. But most important, you are a humble person that really does give back to all of us your friends. Yes freinds. Although you are a travlin man, you allow us into your world via all the social media avenues, I sure do not see that from alot of others. Stay true and keep writing songs that will never be a hit (LOL) fine by me 🙂

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