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Guitar Center Sessions on DIRECTV – The Official Joe Bonamassa Fan Website

Guitar Center Sessions on DIRECTV


A new Guitar Center Session features Joe Bonamassa. These sessions are on Direct TV, station 101. It looks like Carmine was there with Joe, while keys and drums were filled by other musicians. It is scheduled to air on January 1st. Guitar Center posted up a preview on YouTube and full video of Woke Up Dreaming.

Don’t forget to set your DVRs for this awesome performance. I would imagine that the session will run for at least an hour. It should feature an interview with Q & A along with a short set list. This will also air in 3D..do any of you  have Direct TV’s 3D service? For those who don’t have Direct TV, I’m sure that the videos will pop up on YouTube shortly after the airing. Enjoy!

4 thoughts on “Guitar Center Sessions on DIRECTV

  1. My husband and I are fans of Joe Bonassa!!! He’s great and getting even better!!!

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